by Adam Ozment | Sep 2, 2017 | Dental Implants
Occasionally a small percentage of dental implant patients develop inflammation that could delay healing after dental implants. Bacteria can develop which causes this inflammation. In the future, possibly the next few years, patients can benefit from an affordable and...
by Adam Ozment | Aug 31, 2016 | Continuing Education, Dental Implants
At our OMS offices in Crystal Lake, Lake Geneva, Huntley, and Burlington, we know that continuing education is critical. We look forward to our upcoming implant seminar at the end of September to review the latest restorative choices for dental implants. It has been...
by Adam Ozment | Nov 16, 2015 | Continuing Education, News & Events
In less than a month, Oral Surgeons from across the country will be meeting in Chicago for the AAOMS Dental Implant Conference. From December 3-5 next month, this conference offers an intensive educational program featuring innovative techniques and procedures for...
by Adam Ozment | Nov 21, 2014 | Dental Implants, Dentures
According to a recent study published by the International and American Associations for Dental Research, poor oral health and hygiene are being recognized as major risk factors for pneumonia among the elderly. They have found that those who wore dentures while...
by Adam Ozment | Oct 31, 2014 | Dental Implants
Part II: Will Franchised Dental Implant Centers be There for You? In Part Two of our look at franchised dental implant centers, we address the problem of taking care of restorations as time goes on. The human mouth is constantly changing. Our teeth go through of lot...